Елена Шацких

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Sleep well To J.K.
[ ] 07.11.2011, 01:55

Sleep well

                  To J.K.

Sleep well and offer me your dreams

And let them fly like angels in the sky,

So light and innocent and bright

Over the salted seas.

The night descends upon the weary lands,

The stars unwillingly switch on the lights

And pour them lazily on meadows, hills

and sands.

The pebbles on the shore are washed

by quiet waves and wait until the sky

 dissolve the loud cries of sea-gulls.


Sleep well, your dreams are on the way to me

from  resting Denmark.

Категория: Мои файлы | Добавил: shatskih
Просмотров: 4038 | Загрузок: 0 | Комментарии: 3 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
Всего комментариев: 2
2 Johnny  
A very beautiful, a poetry page and you can delve into.
Sit and ponder on the beach and see small waves roll tune to the beach, a quiet summer evening when he / she is, she is now the one you love the very most of being awakened from his dreams light birds flying along the beach in a search for the only one, love being together empathic
the stars light up a more up, a smile comes out, yes she is somewhere far away, but føgler they stand close together and love no one can take from them.

1 Johnny  
Et meget smukt, et digte man kan side og fordybe sig i .
Sidder og fundere ved strandkanten og se små bølger rulle stille ind på stranden , en stille sommer aften, hvor er han/hun, hende nu den man holder aller mest af, bliver vækket af sine drømme lyset fuglene som flyver langs stranden i en søgning efter den eneste ene, kærligheden samvær empatisk
stjernerne en lyser mere op , et smil kommer frem, ja hun er et sted langt væk ,men føgler de står tæt sammen og kærligheden kan ingen tage fra dem.

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